Saturday, December 27



Friday, September 12

सपने सच नही होते

देखा था सपनो में कभी,
वो एक ख्वाब तुझे अपना बनाने का,
तेरे लिए सारा जग भुलाने का,
तेरी मुस्कान पर मर मिट जाने का,
खुशियों से तेरा दामन सजाने का॥

पर, तू मेरी न हुई,
मेरे अरमानों की तुने कोई क़द्र न की,
एक पथ पर होकर भी
तू किसी और मंजिल को मुड़ गई॥

अब सोचता हूँ,
लिख दूँ अपने जज्बात सारे
जो तेरे प्यार में उठा करते थे।
लहरों सी बनकर, मन-मस्तिष्क में मेरे
बहा करते थे।

इस तरह ,
थोडी सी जो तेरी याद कम होगी,
जिंदगी मेरी गुजरने लायक होगी॥

Sunday, September 7


There she was. Oh my god! I couldn't hold my excitement. she was coming towards me. Her body was in fine tune. When she pressed her feet on the ground, a sizzling vibration went down in my heart.

How could she be so maddening? It was very difficult for me to understand.

Every time I saw her, she looked fresh and new.

What a nice face she had! The curves in her body were like open invitations to play.  But, she was engaged to someone else.  The whole office knew it. Only, my heart won't understand.

And now, she was so near to me that I could feel like touching her and admiring her softness.

She wanted to talk to me and I could not ask for a better thing.

Oh! Cupid struck!

She inquired about some trivial things  but I couldn’t answer. How could I, when I was in front of someone whose every part was a revelation in itself. My mind was not aware of what was going on. It just wanted to feel and explore her warmth. ...............................................................

Saturday, September 6

जब से मैं निफ्ट में आया हूँ

जब से मैं निफ्ट में आया हूँ।

दिन हसीं , रात रंगीन बनाया हूँ।

यारों संग खूब ठुमके लगाया हूँ।

जब से मैं निफ्ट में आया हूँ।।

सोचा था न जो कभी,

वो चीजें कर पाया हूँ,

रात-दिन दोस्तों संग बतियाया हूँ,

जब से मैं निफ्ट में आया हूँ।।

आदर किया था जिन गुरुओं का कभी,

उनका ही अब मजाक बनाया हूँ।

कक्षा में पीछे बैठ-बैठ कर,

अपना असमान्य ज्ञान बढाया हूँ।

जबसे मैं निफ्ट में आया हूँ।।

कभी जो बैठता था पढने कभी,

ख़त्म हो जाती थी किताब पूरी।

अब तो पन्नों से किताब बनाया हूँ,

और उन्हें ही पढ़ सारे उत्तर दे आया हूँ।

जबसे मैं निफ्ट में आया हूँ।।

इससे अच्छा मैं यहाँ न होता,

इधर उधर कहीं पढ़ रहा होता,

तब ये माहौल न होता ,

मेरा ये बुरा हाल न होता।।


इनके बावजूद यहाँ बहुत पाया हूँ।

दोस्तों के हमेशा काम आया हूँ।

जिंदगी को जिन्दादिली सिखलाया हूँ।

अपनी सोच बढाया हूँ।

क्योंकि मैं निफ्ट में आया हूँ॥


डूब के तेरी आँखों में जिंदगी को पार कर लूँ,

ऐ नाजनीन तू दे इतनी मोहलत मैं तुझसे प्यार कर लूँ।

आ मिल जा मुझसे

हालात जो हैं मेरे दिल के,
कैसे करूँ बयां वो तुमसे।

कुछ कहने से पहले मैं चुप हो जाता हूँ,
अपनी बातें भूल तुझमें गुम हो जाता हूँ।

होने पर तेरे, दिल मेरा सुकून पाता है,
जाने पर तेरे, ये आहें भरता है।
तेरे मुस्कुराने से गुल में बहार आती है
खूसबू से तेरी दुनिया महक उठती है।

सूरत को तेरे मेरा मन चाँद कहता है
उसकी चांदनी की आगोश में ये तृप्त रहता है।

बालें अपनी सहलाकर तू अरमान नए जगाती है।
नजरें झुकाकर , शरमाकर मुझको दीवाना कर जाती है।

कितनी फरियाद करूँ मैं अब तुमसे,
आकर मिल जा तू अब मुझसे।
कैसे कहूँ कितना प्यार है तुमसे,
अब हर पल तेरा इंतजार है मन से॥

Tuesday, September 2

जीने का फलसफा

धड़कते दिल का हाल पूछो,
तड़पते मन का एहसास जानो,
अरमान जो हैं तेरे दिल में,
उनको पूरा करने की तरकीब निकालो।

Sunday, August 31


एक दिन मैं उदास था , अंतर्मन में मेरे भटकाव था ,
तभी मैंने उड़ती चिडिओं को देखा, उनके बारे में सोचा।
वो तिनके एकत्र कर रहीं थीं,
अपने असियाने बना रहीं थीं।
थकने पर भी थकने का एहसास न था उनको,
कुछ नया करने की चाह थी उनको।।

उस दिन मुझे जिंदगी समझ में आई,
अपने काम को निरंतर करने की उक्ति पाई।
मैंने जिंदगी को उद्देश्यपूर्ण बनाने का संकल्प लिया,
कुछ अर्थपूर्ण करने का प्रण किया॥

अब निकल पड़ा हूँ जिंदगी की तलाश में,
जिंदगी ,
जिसमें जीने की राह हो ,
कुछ कर गुजरने की चाह हो।
बस यही है मन में अभी , थक कर जब सोऊँ कभी
अंतरात्मा मेरी ये आवाज दे ,
जिंदगी को तुमने जीवन का अर्थ समझाया है
स्वजीवन पूर्ण सार्थक बनाया है॥

Friday, August 29

क्या कहें

आज कल ना जाने क्या हुआ है ,
रात तो रात , दिन भी खो गया है
कैसे समझों मैं खुदको
कहीं मुझे वो तो नही हो गया है


रात को अकेले होते थे कभी
पल दो पल उसे सोच लेते थे।
पर यारों अब क्या करें,
अब तो हालत है ऐसी,
रात - दिन उसी के सपने दिखते हैं॥

तेरी याद

तेरी यादों ने हमें तड़पा दिया ,
शायर था ना जो कभी शायरी सिखला दिया।
अब जब बैठते हैं करने शायरी
खुदा कसम तेरी याद शब्द बन जाती है॥

तन्हाई के लम्हों में

तन्हाई के लम्हों में जागा करते थे कभी,
अब तो हाल है ऐसा यारों तन्हाई बचती ही नहीं॥

मेरी यादें

फिर वही शाम हुई , फिर वही रात आई
ना तुम आए, ना फिर तुम्हारी याद आई।
देखा करते थे जो तुम्हें ख्वाबों में कभी,
ना वो ख्वाब रहा न उसकी याद रही॥

इससे अच्छा तो हम तन्हा थे ,
जब चाहे हँसते, जब चाहे रो लेते थे।
अब तो हंसने पर आंखों में आंसू आते हैं ,
और रोते समय हंस-हंस कर गाते हैं॥

ऐसा अक्सर क्यूँ होता है?
कांच की तरह दिल टूट जाता है।
टूटे शीशे तो फिर भी जुड़ जाते हैं,
दिल एक बार टूटे, तो फिर रूठ जाता है॥

कभी जो मिलो तो बताएं तुम्हें,
इस टूटे दिल के हाल सुनाएं तुम्हें,
दिल तो अब भी धड़कता है , तुम्हारी याद में तड़पता है।
इस दिल को कैसे समझाएं,
यह दिल तो सिर्फ़ तुम्हारी धड़कन सुनता है॥

जिंदगी में अभी और मोड़ आयेंगे,
कुछ नए जुडेंगे तो कुछ पुराने छूट जायेंगे,
पर दिल तुम्हें भूलेगा कैसे?
तेरे बिन ये जियेगा कैसे?
हो सके तो सपनों में आ जन कभी,
उन सपनों के सहारे जिंदगी कट जायेगी॥

जब जिंदगी अंत पर आएगी
तेरे ओठों के मुस्कान पर टिक जायेगी ।
खुदा कसम, जिस पल न तू मुस्कराएगी
उस पल जिंदगी चली जायेगी॥

अर्थी तो मेरी उठेगी ,
पर लाश तू बन जायेगी।
मुझसे बेवफाई करके
तू कभी न जी पाएगी ॥


“Where are you?” a soothing voice came from behind and I returned back to the present. I looked up and saw Raj. He was standing in front of me smiling. “What happened ”; he asked. Whom are you thinking about? I’m here for the last ten minutes and you didn’t recognise me. I had heard that love makes blind and I think I don’t need proofs now.
Love! the word struck me immediately and smile came on my lips. Yes I was thinking about my love , about Ishika and the last day we shared together. It was like reaching the heaven and then being deprived of it. How romantic the day was! I wished I could make it longer. This was the day when I proposed Ishika for the first time in our one year old relationship. How much I had to convince myself for this and finally we enjoyed it. She was gone now but her sweet memories were still fresh in my mind. I was in deep dream of the previous day when Raj interrupted me.
Well friends , I have not introduced myself. I ’m Asmit Prakash and Raj is my childhood friend. Raj knows about my affair. I told him about yesterday. He was delighted when he heard it. “Finally you conquered her man. Are you the same who used to get perspirated when we talked about girls”; he smiled. I also smiled. He was true to some extent. Those were the days when I was in the teens. My friends were always excited about the pretty girls they saw in schools and streets. The whole discussion in my group always centred on girls. Thus there was a lot of difference between what they thought and what I, but still we were glued together because we loved one another.
Anyways, change is the rule of nature and I too followed . My days in IIT -Bombay and then in IIM-A changed me completely. There I knew to be practical and professional in life. By the time I ended my studies i had thrown most of my ideologies into recycle bin of my brain.
During my M.B.A. course I was selected for the post of investment banker in the Singapore branch of A.B.N. AMRO bank. I was pretty happy . My course was to finish on June 6 . My passport and visa were ready and all I had to do is to wait and pass time.
Days passed on and ultimately the day came which was in my dreams. I don’t know why we Indians feel so great when we go abroad. May be this is because the glamour fascinates us or we Indians are very much prejudiced about our own country. Whatever be the reasons I was happy too. I reached Delhi airport half an hour early to avoid any unexpected problem. At the right time iI took my seat. Passengers were entering one by one when I saw a girl coming into. My eyes stuck to her. She was the sweetest girl i had ever seen in my life. Her eyes were like ‘water flowing in the river’ as if wanted to say something. Her hair was long and curly. She had put little lipisic on herlips and it was adding charm to her beauty. She was one those prettiest girls on earth on whose creation even god wondered how was this possible.
She came and sat next to me. I was still gazing herwhen she asked ,”will you please stop staring me”. I felt ashamed. “What I’m doing” , I thought. By this time all passengers had taken their seats and plane was about to fly. “Hi”, I said. She didn’t respond.
TO BE COTINUED....................

Thursday, August 28


राहें अनजानी सी हैं ,
जाना कहाँ है पता नहीं.
फिर भी चले जा रहे है मंजिल की तलाश में ,
शायद इसी का नाम जिंदगी है.


You must be the change you wish to see in this world”. Whenever I read this, I feel the inner conscience pushing me to dedicate myself more to ‘KARTAVYA-NIFFT’ an NGO being run by the students of NIFFT for disseminating the ‘idea of education’ among the poor , deprived and underprivileged children living in slums of Hatia.
Started by an ISM Dhanbad alumni in ............ ‘KARTAVYA’ reached NIFFT the previous year. Our immediate seniors worked hard day and night to make it functional at community Hall , Hatia near NIFFT. Earlier, people of Hatia were sceptical about this concept thanks to the effect this materialistic world has created in the minds of people where every action of charity is weighed in terms of personal gains and losses. But at this juncture, the help came from a local woman ‘ Sheela Didi ’ who accompanied our seniors in conducting surveys and convincing poor parents to send their children at the ‘KARTAVYA’ centre.
Since inception, apart from a few hurdles like lack of manpower during the semester breaks ‘ KARTAVYA-NIFFT ’ has not looked back . In the past one year, it succeeded in developing the necessary educational environment around the slums of Hatia to help the masses become open to the idea of education. The number of students taking education at our centre increased to seventy five. A poor orphan girl was inducted into a private school ‘Shanti Niketan’ and all her expenses are being borne by ‘ KARTAVYA_NIFFT’ . A more important fact observed in the past one year was the rapid increase in number of girl students at our centre, quite inspiring in itself.
Now ‘KARTAVYA-NIFFT’ is one year old and a little matured in its approach. We are regularly conducting classes at our centre . We have divided students into different groups and Our attempt is to give individual attention on each. Also, we are providing books , copies , pencils and chocolates to our children on a regular basis to motivate them to be punctual at our centre. Besides , we have tried to incorporate some innovative ideas to make education fun at our centre . These include reciting poems and rhymes , story- telling , playing songs etc. Suggestions are also to impart knowledge of alphabets and elementary mathematics through multimedia. We are also trying to teach the benefits of proper cleanliness and hygienic conditions to our children since they are at greater risks of falling prey to communicable diseases.
Even after such efforts I think only a little has been done so far. We wish to achieve higher and for that we certainly have some plans in our minds. The expansion of our centre is on the cards and will materialise too soon. We are also going to open a library at our centre in the months to come. This year, we would brief the eligible students of our centre for the Navodaya schools. We are also looking at the prospects of employing some local youth girls to teach at our centre during semester breaks when we become unavailable.
However, as an industry requires raw materials to sustain , an organization requires funds to function .We are not an exception to this truth. At present, our sources of income include students’ contribution and selling of old newspapers. But, it is not sufficient. Infact, we are facing some constraints in properly implementing our plans owing to the lack of resources. Recently, Rotary club has come forward and promised us help . we are also in talk with some eminent media persons for support . But comprehensive changes will come only when NIFFT assists us either personally or institutionally.
In this materialistic world where everybody is after the ‘Money-Making’ process it is an invaluable feeling to do something for the downtrodden. . This is the way we can return something to the society we owe so much. I hope, if we continue, we can appreciate the dream of transforming India through education.

Tharoor in a pseudo intellectual role till 2019

Mr Tharoor is a learned person...represented India in the UN ...lost the race to be its secretary general not because he was less competen...